हामी नेपाली फुटबलमा एक गोल गर्दा संसार जिते जस्तै गर्छौँ, दुई गोलको त कुरै नगरौं । तर बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन आफ्ना सत्र बर्सिय छोराका माओवादी हत्यारालाई कर्वाहीको माग गर्दै ४४ औं दिन अनशनमा बसेका न्यायको खोजी गरिरहेका बाबु नन्द प्रसाद र आमा गंगामायाको त्यो अवस्था हुँदा पनि नजाग्ने हामी जिउँदै मुर्दा बनेका लाशहरुलाई मानबिय समबेदनाले कहिले छोला !!! "नेपाली बिन लादेन" प्रचण्ड, बाबुराम र तिनका मतियारलाई कार्वाही कहिले होला ?! प्रश्न गरिरहन मन लाग्छ नेपाल मदर डट कमलाई ।
अब बरिस्ठ पत्रकार कनकमणी दिक्षितको मर्मस्पर्शी भनाइ :
'बाबुको मुख हेर्ने दिन' (Father's Day) Thursday, 5 September 2013) / आज 'बाबुको मुख हेर्ने' र भारत-नेपाल फुटबल परिणामले हार्दिकता र हर्ष छाएको दिन, बीर अस्पताल 'पुरानो आई-सी-यु'मा भने धेरै दिन देखिको मन दुखाईको निरन्तरता...। उता बाहिर पुष्पकमल र बाबुराम चिच्याऊंदैछन्, 'डलर-खेती गर्नेले उक्साए अधिकारी दम्पतिलाई !', र यस्ता माओबादी प्रोपेगान्डाको भेलले प्रभाबित कतिपयले नन्दप्रसाद/गंगामायायाको गाँधी
शैलीको सत्याग्रहलाई समेत अवमूल्यन गरेको देखियो।
'पुरानो आई-सी-यु' भित्रको अवस्था यस्तो छ- गंगामाया ले 'सेंट्रल लाइन' बाट 'इंट्राभेनस सपोर्ट' लिन मान्नू भएको छ तर नन्दप्रसाद 'नाई' भन्नु हुन्छ, अघिल्ला दिनजस्तै आग्रह गर्दा पनि, र हातको नशानै प्रयोग भईरहेछ। जबरजस्ती खुवाउने अदालतको आदेश उहाँहरूलाई स्वीकार्य छैन, "जबर्जस्ति गर्न पाइन्दैन, हाम्रो माग प्रस्ट छ, न्याय देऊ, गिरफ्तार गर हामी भात खान्छौँ । खान त मन छ नि।" थप्नु हुन्छ नन्दप्रसाद, "एक-दुई दिनमा नै समात्छों भनेका हैनन यहाँ आउने मन्त्रीले, खोइ त ?!"
बाहिर खबर यस्तो छ - एउटा प्रहरी टोली गोरखा फुजेल गाऊँ पुग्दा अर्को प्रहरी टोलीले खोजी गरिएको ब्यक्तिलाई पूर्ब-सूचना दिएर भगाएको खबर छ। ति ब्यक्ति सिमानापारी पुगेको बुझिन्छ। नन्दप्रसाद भन्छन, 'अरु थुप्रैको नाम दिएका छौं नि, छोरा नूरप्रसादलाई चितवनबाट बोलाएर देखाइदिन भने भयो नि।' तर न्यायमुर्ति खिलराजको सरकार पुष्पकमल र बाबुरामको गर्जनले पुरै प्रभाबित देखिन्छ। आरोपित ज्यादतीकर्ता समाउन चाहना राख्नेलाई मन्त्रालय र प्रहरी भित्रकै पीडक पक्ष्यधरले छिडकी लगाई रहेको भान हुन्छ । अन्तरास्ट्रिय मान्यता र नेपाली जनताको मान्यता भांडमा जावोस !!
बढो अफसोचका साथ् भन्नुपर्छ, यस मामलामा एमाले, कांग्रेस र अन्य लोकतान्त्रिक भनिने दलको मौनता पीडक-सहयोगी छ, रीत पुरयाउने जति सम्म मात्र गर्न चाहेका छन। अन्तरास्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार संस्थाहरुले त पाँच हप्ता ढीलैभए पनि हिजो-अस्ति बोले अन्सनकर्ता दम्पतिलाई न्याय देउ भनेर- United Nations OHCHR, Human Rights Watch, Asian Commission on Human Rights, International Commission of Jurists, International Center for Transitional Justice. तर काठमाडौँ स्थित कुटनैतिक नियोगहरु अझै मौन छन, जबकि एक-एकमा मानव अधिकार 'युनिट' छदैंछन। ति निकाय के गरि बसी रहेका होलान? र तिनमा कार्यरत नेपाली 'एक्सपर्ट' हरु ?! माओबादी 'सुनामी'को छालमा सबै डुबे जस्तो छ, नेपालीको यो लडाईं मात्र नेपालीले लड्नु पर्ने भयो।
अस्पताल बाहिर धर्नामा बसेका द्वन्द पिडित जुझारुले चितवनमा अनुसन्धान अगाडी बढाउन कोशिसमा लागिपरेका छोरा नूरप्रसादलाई फोन गरेर सोधे, 'आज बाबुको मुख हेर्ने दिन, बुवालाई के संदेश दिन चाहनुहुन्छ?' नूरप्रसादले संदेश फोनमा सुनाई दिए। भित्र 'पुरानो आई-सी-यु'मा त्यो संदेश सुनाइदिने उपयुक्त व्यक्ति ठहर भयो- द्वन्दकालमा लम्जुङ्गका निर्दोष शिक्षक बाबु मुक्तिनाथ गुमाएका छोरा सुमन अधिकारी। तर उनलाई आई-सी-यु भित्र जाने अनुमति प्राप्त भएन, अनि हालसम्म प्रवेश पाएको यस पंक्तिकारले छोरा नूरप्रसादको संदेश बुवा नन्दप्रसादलाई सुनाए -
"बुवाको इच्छा आज्ञा अनुसारको कर्तब्य पुरा गर्न दिलोज्यानले लागेको छु। त्यसमा कुनै हालतमा कमि हुन दिन्न। - जेठो छोरा नूर"
सत्याग्रहको अर्थै सर्बोच्च अदालतले बुझेन !
गाँधीवादी शैलेमा नन्दप्रसाद र गंगामाया अधिकारीको आमरण अनसन चलेको ४३ दीन भएको छ । आज बिहान वीर अस्पतालमा भेट्दा दुबैको शारीर शिथील तर मस्तिस्क तेजिलो र स्थीर थियो। दुई हप्ता अगाडीको तर्ककै निरंतरता थियो आज पनि: "छोराको हत्यामा न्यायको लागी अनसन बसेका हौं। सरकारले आधार देओस, कारवाही प्रक्रिया अगाडी बढाओस, हामी खान्छौं। भोक त लागेको छ नी।"
आज बेलुकी सर्बोच्चका न्यायाधीश वस्तीले दम्पतिलाई जबरजस्ती खुवाउने आदेश दिए, जसको लागी सरकार र अस्पताल ब्याबस्थापन (डाक्टरको भन्न सकिन्न) हिजै देखि लागीपरेको भान हुन्थ्यो। मंत्रीहरुको ध्याउन्न आफुमाथि कलंकको दाग नालागोस भन्ने त थियो, तर अनुसन्धान अगाडी बढाउने आँट र सामर्थ्य भने देखिंदैन थियो। काम गरेको जास्तो मात्र देखाउने, जून कुरा नन्दप्रसादले घरी घरी औंल्याउने गर्छन ।
उता प्रहरी, अनुसंधान र कारवाही गर्नुको साटो सामान्य छानबीनमा अड़कियो । सरकार अध्यक्ष्य खिलराज रेग्मीले आफ्नो मातहतको महान्यायधिवकता कार्यालयमार्फ़त चितवन प्रहरीलाई प्रस्ट आदेश दिन पटक्कै चाहेनन। हिजो पुष्पकमल दाहाल आएर हप्काए पचि त पुर्ब-श्रीमानको सातों नै गएजस्तो छ। अनि त सरकारको थोरै बचेको आत्मबल पनि गुम भयो।
नेपालमा राज्य ब्यवस्था र न्यायको अन्त्य भएको वास्तविकता बुझेका कारण अधिकारी दम्पतिले अडिग सत्याग्रहमा लागेका हुन। आज अरुको लागी पनि सर्बोच्चले त्यो कुरा साबित गरिदिएको छ। अपेक्षया गरिएको थियो, सरकारलाई कृष्णप्रसाद अधिकारी हत्याको अनुसंधान र कारवाही अगाडी बढाउ भन्ने श्रीमानको प्रस्ट आदेश । तर सर्बोच्चले मात्र सरकारबाट 'ह्वाइट पेपर' द्वारा बिबरण माग्यो, जसले खासै अर्थ राख्दैन। अनुसंधान र कारवाही बारे अदालतले निर्देशन दिएको भए अधिकारी दम्पतिले हाम्रो मुलुकमा एउटा स्वतंत्र संस्था त बांकी रहेछ भनेर सोच्ने आधार पाउन्थे । तेसो केही नगरी, मात्र जबर्जस्ति अनसन तोड़ने आदेश दिने अदालतले नागरिकको शांतिपूर्ण सत्याग्रहको मक्सदनै नबुझेको देखियो।
सर्बोच्चको निर्णयले अधिकारी दम्पतिलाई दुखी तुल्याउने छ। तर मलाई लाग्दछ उहाँहरुको न्यायको खोजी र लड़ाई रोकिने छैन ...
The sight of the couple is very familiar to us now, from their exposure in print media and television. The female is a motherly woman in a spotted blouse, and the male a haggard-looking man with unkempt beard and hair. A deep sadness pervades these images. After nearly nine years of silent and personal struggle in search of justice, our society has been finally introduced to Ganga Maya Adhikari and Nanda Prasad Adhikari, who are now over 40 days into fast-unto-death.
This couple’s story is heart-wrenching. Their 18-year-old son was abducted and killed by Maoists in 2004. From what media tells, even after their son’s murder, the Maoists and the state had pestered this family. Because they had registered an FIR against the suspected murderers, they were repeatedly threatened by Maoists, their livestock were killed, and they were ultimately chased out from their home. Despite these threats, they persevered in their search for justice, which largely remained elusive. When the usual channels of justice offered no recourse, they started a hunger strike in front of the Prime Minister’s Office early this year. They were allegedly detained at a police station for 48 days and then taken to Gorkha, handcuffed, to be dumped. But they returned and staged a hunger strike.
According to Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)’s appeal, they were arrested in mid-June and taken to Bir Hospital. The appeal says, “The doctors there recommended their transfer to a mental hospital. They were transferred to the Mental Hospital in Lagankhel, Lalitpur where they were diagnosed with mental illness, and it was decided that they should stay in the mental hospital.” They were forced to stay in the mental hospital for 35 days. On discharge, the doctors apparently revised their initial diagnosis as wrong. Now the couple is back in Bir Hospital, but this time with a pledge to fast-unto-death until justice is served. They are in the intensive care unit in dire straits. On Tuesday, we learned that the Supreme Court has ordered the government “to either coax them into breaking fast, or force-feed them.”
As a citizen of this country, it is chilling to learn about the fate of this couple. A son was murdered and his grieving parents seek justice. That is not too much to ask for, but instead, those who hold power persecute this couple with all the force they possess. What kind of society are we living in? As a physician practicing in this country, however, I would like to focus on the involvement of my profession in this injustice, based on reports from media and AHRC.
By identifying this couple (not just a single person) as mentally ill (concomitantly) amidst a political protest, the doctors from Bir Hospital and the Mental Hospital used their creed and institutions to help detain patients against their will. If indeed this was the case, it is a serious violation of medical ethics. The medical profession’s stance is quite clear on this. The code of ethics of Nepal Medical Council, to which all doctors registered to the council are signatories, mandates the doctors to declare before they are registered, “Even under threat and duress, I will not use my knowledge contrary to the norms of humanity.” Furthermore, in its 2003 Resolution on the Responsibility of Physicians in the Denunciation of Acts of Torture or Cruel or Degrading Treatment of which They are Aware, the World Medical Association provides specific guidance to physicians who are in this situation: “Physicians should report to the appropriate authorities any unjustified interference in the care of their patients, especially if fundamental human rights are being denied.”
Another recent development is the Supreme Court order to force-feed the couple if they do not comply. Again, the global stance of the medical profession is clear. World Medical Association Declaration categorically says: “Where a prisoner refuses nourishment and is considered by the physician as capable of forming an unimpaired and rational judgment concerning the consequences of such a voluntary refusal of nourishment, he or she shall not be fed artificially. The decision as to the capacity of the prisoner to form such a judgment should be confirmed by at least one other independent physician.” Jeremy Lazarus, the President of American Medical Association, had paraphrased the exact same declaration in a letter that clarified the Association’s position that the forced feeding of detainees on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base violated the core ethical values of the medical profession. As a profession, we should not comply in force-feeding the Adhikari couple if we are to maintain our ethical integrity.
Several questions surface about the handling of Adhikari couple in these medical facilities. Did these doctors make decisions under pressure or political influence? Did they debate their ethical obligations? Did they seek help if they felt pressured? These are questions that the authority tasked with ensuring ethical practice of medicine should be asking. Since the registered doctors are signatories to the Nepal Medical Council’s declaration, the Council should be taking the lead to investigate the involvement of medical profession in this injustice. However, we have yet to hear from the council. The medical profession should be clear that it will not comply with force-feeding the Adhikari couple who are using hunger strike as the last measure to seek justice in an unjust power structure. Otherwise, we should be prepared to bear the shame of a disgraceful deed.
The author is an endocrinologist practicing in Kathmandu
अब बरिस्ठ पत्रकार कनकमणी दिक्षितको मर्मस्पर्शी भनाइ :
'बाबुको मुख हेर्ने दिन' (Father's Day) Thursday, 5 September 2013) / आज 'बाबुको मुख हेर्ने' र भारत-नेपाल फुटबल परिणामले हार्दिकता र हर्ष छाएको दिन, बीर अस्पताल 'पुरानो आई-सी-यु'मा भने धेरै दिन देखिको मन दुखाईको निरन्तरता...। उता बाहिर पुष्पकमल र बाबुराम चिच्याऊंदैछन्, 'डलर-खेती गर्नेले उक्साए अधिकारी दम्पतिलाई !', र यस्ता माओबादी प्रोपेगान्डाको भेलले प्रभाबित कतिपयले नन्दप्रसाद/गंगामायायाको गाँधी
शैलीको सत्याग्रहलाई समेत अवमूल्यन गरेको देखियो।
'पुरानो आई-सी-यु' भित्रको अवस्था यस्तो छ- गंगामाया ले 'सेंट्रल लाइन' बाट 'इंट्राभेनस सपोर्ट' लिन मान्नू भएको छ तर नन्दप्रसाद 'नाई' भन्नु हुन्छ, अघिल्ला दिनजस्तै आग्रह गर्दा पनि, र हातको नशानै प्रयोग भईरहेछ। जबरजस्ती खुवाउने अदालतको आदेश उहाँहरूलाई स्वीकार्य छैन, "जबर्जस्ति गर्न पाइन्दैन, हाम्रो माग प्रस्ट छ, न्याय देऊ, गिरफ्तार गर हामी भात खान्छौँ । खान त मन छ नि।" थप्नु हुन्छ नन्दप्रसाद, "एक-दुई दिनमा नै समात्छों भनेका हैनन यहाँ आउने मन्त्रीले, खोइ त ?!"
बाहिर खबर यस्तो छ - एउटा प्रहरी टोली गोरखा फुजेल गाऊँ पुग्दा अर्को प्रहरी टोलीले खोजी गरिएको ब्यक्तिलाई पूर्ब-सूचना दिएर भगाएको खबर छ। ति ब्यक्ति सिमानापारी पुगेको बुझिन्छ। नन्दप्रसाद भन्छन, 'अरु थुप्रैको नाम दिएका छौं नि, छोरा नूरप्रसादलाई चितवनबाट बोलाएर देखाइदिन भने भयो नि।' तर न्यायमुर्ति खिलराजको सरकार पुष्पकमल र बाबुरामको गर्जनले पुरै प्रभाबित देखिन्छ। आरोपित ज्यादतीकर्ता समाउन चाहना राख्नेलाई मन्त्रालय र प्रहरी भित्रकै पीडक पक्ष्यधरले छिडकी लगाई रहेको भान हुन्छ । अन्तरास्ट्रिय मान्यता र नेपाली जनताको मान्यता भांडमा जावोस !!
बढो अफसोचका साथ् भन्नुपर्छ, यस मामलामा एमाले, कांग्रेस र अन्य लोकतान्त्रिक भनिने दलको मौनता पीडक-सहयोगी छ, रीत पुरयाउने जति सम्म मात्र गर्न चाहेका छन। अन्तरास्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार संस्थाहरुले त पाँच हप्ता ढीलैभए पनि हिजो-अस्ति बोले अन्सनकर्ता दम्पतिलाई न्याय देउ भनेर- United Nations OHCHR, Human Rights Watch, Asian Commission on Human Rights, International Commission of Jurists, International Center for Transitional Justice. तर काठमाडौँ स्थित कुटनैतिक नियोगहरु अझै मौन छन, जबकि एक-एकमा मानव अधिकार 'युनिट' छदैंछन। ति निकाय के गरि बसी रहेका होलान? र तिनमा कार्यरत नेपाली 'एक्सपर्ट' हरु ?! माओबादी 'सुनामी'को छालमा सबै डुबे जस्तो छ, नेपालीको यो लडाईं मात्र नेपालीले लड्नु पर्ने भयो।
अस्पताल बाहिर धर्नामा बसेका द्वन्द पिडित जुझारुले चितवनमा अनुसन्धान अगाडी बढाउन कोशिसमा लागिपरेका छोरा नूरप्रसादलाई फोन गरेर सोधे, 'आज बाबुको मुख हेर्ने दिन, बुवालाई के संदेश दिन चाहनुहुन्छ?' नूरप्रसादले संदेश फोनमा सुनाई दिए। भित्र 'पुरानो आई-सी-यु'मा त्यो संदेश सुनाइदिने उपयुक्त व्यक्ति ठहर भयो- द्वन्दकालमा लम्जुङ्गका निर्दोष शिक्षक बाबु मुक्तिनाथ गुमाएका छोरा सुमन अधिकारी। तर उनलाई आई-सी-यु भित्र जाने अनुमति प्राप्त भएन, अनि हालसम्म प्रवेश पाएको यस पंक्तिकारले छोरा नूरप्रसादको संदेश बुवा नन्दप्रसादलाई सुनाए -
"बुवाको इच्छा आज्ञा अनुसारको कर्तब्य पुरा गर्न दिलोज्यानले लागेको छु। त्यसमा कुनै हालतमा कमि हुन दिन्न। - जेठो छोरा नूर"
सत्याग्रहको अर्थै सर्बोच्च अदालतले बुझेन !
गाँधीवादी शैलेमा नन्दप्रसाद र गंगामाया अधिकारीको आमरण अनसन चलेको ४३ दीन भएको छ । आज बिहान वीर अस्पतालमा भेट्दा दुबैको शारीर शिथील तर मस्तिस्क तेजिलो र स्थीर थियो। दुई हप्ता अगाडीको तर्ककै निरंतरता थियो आज पनि: "छोराको हत्यामा न्यायको लागी अनसन बसेका हौं। सरकारले आधार देओस, कारवाही प्रक्रिया अगाडी बढाओस, हामी खान्छौं। भोक त लागेको छ नी।"
आज बेलुकी सर्बोच्चका न्यायाधीश वस्तीले दम्पतिलाई जबरजस्ती खुवाउने आदेश दिए, जसको लागी सरकार र अस्पताल ब्याबस्थापन (डाक्टरको भन्न सकिन्न) हिजै देखि लागीपरेको भान हुन्थ्यो। मंत्रीहरुको ध्याउन्न आफुमाथि कलंकको दाग नालागोस भन्ने त थियो, तर अनुसन्धान अगाडी बढाउने आँट र सामर्थ्य भने देखिंदैन थियो। काम गरेको जास्तो मात्र देखाउने, जून कुरा नन्दप्रसादले घरी घरी औंल्याउने गर्छन ।
उता प्रहरी, अनुसंधान र कारवाही गर्नुको साटो सामान्य छानबीनमा अड़कियो । सरकार अध्यक्ष्य खिलराज रेग्मीले आफ्नो मातहतको महान्यायधिवकता कार्यालयमार्फ़त चितवन प्रहरीलाई प्रस्ट आदेश दिन पटक्कै चाहेनन। हिजो पुष्पकमल दाहाल आएर हप्काए पचि त पुर्ब-श्रीमानको सातों नै गएजस्तो छ। अनि त सरकारको थोरै बचेको आत्मबल पनि गुम भयो।
नेपालमा राज्य ब्यवस्था र न्यायको अन्त्य भएको वास्तविकता बुझेका कारण अधिकारी दम्पतिले अडिग सत्याग्रहमा लागेका हुन। आज अरुको लागी पनि सर्बोच्चले त्यो कुरा साबित गरिदिएको छ। अपेक्षया गरिएको थियो, सरकारलाई कृष्णप्रसाद अधिकारी हत्याको अनुसंधान र कारवाही अगाडी बढाउ भन्ने श्रीमानको प्रस्ट आदेश । तर सर्बोच्चले मात्र सरकारबाट 'ह्वाइट पेपर' द्वारा बिबरण माग्यो, जसले खासै अर्थ राख्दैन। अनुसंधान र कारवाही बारे अदालतले निर्देशन दिएको भए अधिकारी दम्पतिले हाम्रो मुलुकमा एउटा स्वतंत्र संस्था त बांकी रहेछ भनेर सोच्ने आधार पाउन्थे । तेसो केही नगरी, मात्र जबर्जस्ति अनसन तोड़ने आदेश दिने अदालतले नागरिकको शांतिपूर्ण सत्याग्रहको मक्सदनै नबुझेको देखियो।
सर्बोच्चको निर्णयले अधिकारी दम्पतिलाई दुखी तुल्याउने छ। तर मलाई लाग्दछ उहाँहरुको न्यायको खोजी र लड़ाई रोकिने छैन ...
Violation of ethics
COUPLE ON HUNGER STRIKEThe sight of the couple is very familiar to us now, from their exposure in print media and television. The female is a motherly woman in a spotted blouse, and the male a haggard-looking man with unkempt beard and hair. A deep sadness pervades these images. After nearly nine years of silent and personal struggle in search of justice, our society has been finally introduced to Ganga Maya Adhikari and Nanda Prasad Adhikari, who are now over 40 days into fast-unto-death.
This couple’s story is heart-wrenching. Their 18-year-old son was abducted and killed by Maoists in 2004. From what media tells, even after their son’s murder, the Maoists and the state had pestered this family. Because they had registered an FIR against the suspected murderers, they were repeatedly threatened by Maoists, their livestock were killed, and they were ultimately chased out from their home. Despite these threats, they persevered in their search for justice, which largely remained elusive. When the usual channels of justice offered no recourse, they started a hunger strike in front of the Prime Minister’s Office early this year. They were allegedly detained at a police station for 48 days and then taken to Gorkha, handcuffed, to be dumped. But they returned and staged a hunger strike.
According to Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)’s appeal, they were arrested in mid-June and taken to Bir Hospital. The appeal says, “The doctors there recommended their transfer to a mental hospital. They were transferred to the Mental Hospital in Lagankhel, Lalitpur where they were diagnosed with mental illness, and it was decided that they should stay in the mental hospital.” They were forced to stay in the mental hospital for 35 days. On discharge, the doctors apparently revised their initial diagnosis as wrong. Now the couple is back in Bir Hospital, but this time with a pledge to fast-unto-death until justice is served. They are in the intensive care unit in dire straits. On Tuesday, we learned that the Supreme Court has ordered the government “to either coax them into breaking fast, or force-feed them.”
As a citizen of this country, it is chilling to learn about the fate of this couple. A son was murdered and his grieving parents seek justice. That is not too much to ask for, but instead, those who hold power persecute this couple with all the force they possess. What kind of society are we living in? As a physician practicing in this country, however, I would like to focus on the involvement of my profession in this injustice, based on reports from media and AHRC.
By identifying this couple (not just a single person) as mentally ill (concomitantly) amidst a political protest, the doctors from Bir Hospital and the Mental Hospital used their creed and institutions to help detain patients against their will. If indeed this was the case, it is a serious violation of medical ethics. The medical profession’s stance is quite clear on this. The code of ethics of Nepal Medical Council, to which all doctors registered to the council are signatories, mandates the doctors to declare before they are registered, “Even under threat and duress, I will not use my knowledge contrary to the norms of humanity.” Furthermore, in its 2003 Resolution on the Responsibility of Physicians in the Denunciation of Acts of Torture or Cruel or Degrading Treatment of which They are Aware, the World Medical Association provides specific guidance to physicians who are in this situation: “Physicians should report to the appropriate authorities any unjustified interference in the care of their patients, especially if fundamental human rights are being denied.”
Another recent development is the Supreme Court order to force-feed the couple if they do not comply. Again, the global stance of the medical profession is clear. World Medical Association Declaration categorically says: “Where a prisoner refuses nourishment and is considered by the physician as capable of forming an unimpaired and rational judgment concerning the consequences of such a voluntary refusal of nourishment, he or she shall not be fed artificially. The decision as to the capacity of the prisoner to form such a judgment should be confirmed by at least one other independent physician.” Jeremy Lazarus, the President of American Medical Association, had paraphrased the exact same declaration in a letter that clarified the Association’s position that the forced feeding of detainees on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base violated the core ethical values of the medical profession. As a profession, we should not comply in force-feeding the Adhikari couple if we are to maintain our ethical integrity.
Several questions surface about the handling of Adhikari couple in these medical facilities. Did these doctors make decisions under pressure or political influence? Did they debate their ethical obligations? Did they seek help if they felt pressured? These are questions that the authority tasked with ensuring ethical practice of medicine should be asking. Since the registered doctors are signatories to the Nepal Medical Council’s declaration, the Council should be taking the lead to investigate the involvement of medical profession in this injustice. However, we have yet to hear from the council. The medical profession should be clear that it will not comply with force-feeding the Adhikari couple who are using hunger strike as the last measure to seek justice in an unjust power structure. Otherwise, we should be prepared to bear the shame of a disgraceful deed.
The author is an endocrinologist practicing in Kathmandu
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बेनाममा अरुलाई गाली गलौज गर्दै जथाभाबी कमेन्ट लेख्नेहरु लाई यो साईटमा स्थान छैन तर सभ्य भाषाका रचनात्मक कमेन्ट सुझाब सल्लाह लाई भने हार्दिक स्वागत छ । तल Anonymous मा क्लिक गर्नुश अनी आफ्नो सहि नाम र सहि ईमेल सहित ईंग्लिश वा नेपाली मा कमेन्ट लेखी पठाउनुश, अरु वेबसाईट र यस् मा फरक छ बुझी दिनुहोला धन्यवाद । address for send news/views/Article/comments : Email - info@nepalmother.com - सम्पादक