अमेरिकामा एक नेपाली दिनेश कारबाट हाम फालेर ज्यान गुमाए !

Dinesh Sherestha died Monday night after jumping out of a moving car in Hammond, Ind. during a quarrel with his wife
A North Side man died Monday night after jumping out of a moving car in Hammond, Ind. during a quarrel with his wife, authorities said. Dinesh Sherestha, 46, of the 5800 block of North Sheridan Road, was pronounced dead at 10:37 p.m. at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, according to a spokesman for the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office. Police responded at 4:06 p.m. to a call of a passenger who had jumped out of a moving vehicle in the 5500 block of Hohman Avenue and suffered a head injury, Hammond, Ind. Police Lt. Richard Hoyda said. The victim had been involved in a dispute or an argument with his wife prior to the incident, Hoyda said. Sherestha was initially taken to Saint Margaret’s Hospital in Hammond, Ind., but transferred to Christ Medical Center, said Hoyda. No one else was hurt. Hoyda said it was not known what the quarrel was about or why the couple was in Hammond, Ind.

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