जापानमा भूकम्पले कयौँको ज्यान लियो, सयौँ संपर्क बाहिर, हेर्नुस त्यहाँको अवस्था भिडियोमा

Japanese national broadcaster NHK is reporting that 125 people have been injured and about 20 are feared missing after a powerful quake triggered dozens of landslides in heavily forested mountains on the northern island of Hokkaido. A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck southern Hokkaido at 3:08 am
local time on Thursday at the depth of 40 kilometres, Japan's Meteorological Agency said. The quake's epicentre was east of the city of Tomakomai. It also struck Hokkaido's prefectural capital of Sapporo, with a population of 1.9 million. Hindustan Times, owned by HT Media Ltd, is one of India’s largest publications that provides unbiased news, analysis and features on politics, sports, entertainment, lifestyle and more. Hindustan Times delivers the news across all social media platforms, on the web, and at your doorstep.

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