एउटा भिन्नै किसिमको अन्तर्वार्ता दिए रामप्रसाद खनालले झुम्कीमा, कल्पना रेग्मीको प्रस्तुतिले हाँसेको हाँसै भए खनाल ! हेर्नुस् रमाइलो टिभीको रमाइलो अन्तर्वार्ता

Image may contain: 2 people, including Ram Prasad Khanal, people smiling, people sitting and people standing

Image may contain: 2 people, including Ram Prasad Khanal, people smiling, people sitting

Image may contain: 2 people, including Ram Prasad Khanal, people smiling, hat and closeup

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